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Milk Stork breast milk shipping

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Last updated date: 7/12/2024


We are proud to offer our U.S. employees the Milk Stork program, which helps support working moms during business travel by providing a no-fuss solution to pumping while traveling. Milk Stork has helped over 40,000 working moms solve logistical and cooling challenges while on the road.

How it works

Milk Stork is a breast-milk delivery service for business traveling moms, and provides a no-fuss solution that refrigerates, express ships and helps deliver breast milk home to your baby. Milk Stork provides multiple easy-to-use options to choose from, so you can pick what fits your nursing and travel schedules best. You can pump according to your regular nursing schedule, and then activate the cooling unit in your Milk Stork cooler (instructions included) to pack your refrigerated breast milk. From there, you can ship through FedEx overnight or carry your cooler home with you in a reusable tote provided to you by Milk Stork. Best of all, this benefit is available at no cost to you as long as you are travelling on company business.

Learn more

  • You can also use Milk Stork if you travel internationally. Read this brochure to learn more.
  • To place an order and check an order status, visit and log in with your Stryker email address and password. If you are already logged on to the Stryker network, you will automatically be assigned into the site. You can find further instructions on how to place the order on the site.
  • To learn more about how Milk Stork works, watch the brief video below or read a brochure.

For more information, contact Milk Stork at or call 510 356 0221.